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A Christ-Centered Recovery Program
Tuesday Nights @ 6:30
Learn to move beyond your Hurts, Habits, and Hang-ups.
Healing begins by taking the first step.
Contact Jeannie for information about these meetings for our men's and ladies' groups.
We celebrate God's healing power in our lives when we journey through the Twelve Steps and Eight Recovery Principles. This experience allows us to be changed. We open the door to healing by sharing our experiences, strengths, weaknesses, and hopes with one another.
Is Celebrate Recovery
for me?
Celebrate Recovery is not just for individuals who struggle with addiction. Are you or someone you know struggling with a hurt, habit or hang-up? If so, then Celebrate Recovery is for you!
A hang-up is a negative attitude used to cope with adversity.
Some common hang-ups are: Anger, Anxiety, Codependency, Control freaks, Depression, Fear, Greed, Impatience, Laziness, Materialism, Perfectionism, Pride, Procrastination, and Shame
More information is available at:

Freedom is Possible
When we submit to Jesus, our Higher Power, the impossible becomes possible. We find that Jesus' power is made perfect in our weakness.
2 Corinthians 12:9 : “My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak.”
When and where do we meet?
Every Tuesday Evening at Church of the Midcoast!
45 Floral Street Bath, ME
Large Group Meeting @ 6:30
Open Share Groups @ 7:30

Follow us on social media for any meeting updates or cancellations at
Celebrate Recovery at Church of the Midcoast
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